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A big milestone in every parenting journey is potty-training your child. Some start training their kids in the first year, while others wait for their kids to join a school to be trained by staff there. Either way potty training is the first step towards a child being independent and in control of his body. It is crucial that a toddler learns to be potty trained on time, so that it does not adversely affect his self esteem while spoiling his pants in public, at a later stage in life.
Potty training your toddler may seem like a daunting task for new parents. Here are a few easy potty training tips that will come to your rescue. Follow them through consistently and the day won’t be far when your toddler will be diaper free and informing you of his bowel movements on time.
It is important for parents to have realistic expectations from their toddlers. If you’re looking for potty training tips, don’t begin if your child is unable to follow simple instructions. Instead, if you find your child follows you or other members into the bathroom, or has longer periods of dry diaper – you can treat them as cues to begin teaching him/her.
Help your child become familiar with the concept of using a toilet for pooping. Show him the potty seat you have for him, place him gently on it so that he knows it fits him and is comfortable. Ask him if he feels the urge to poop. Later, tell him to wash his hands – these are some best potty training tips to develop a routine and encourage your toddler to poop on the seat.
Ideally, when you begin potty training your child, you must take her every few hours to the washroom and place her on the pot seat to poop. It may take anywhere from a couple of days to weeks for your child to finally be able to control his bowel moments and poop on the seat. Do not punish your child for pooping in his bloomer during this training period, for it may shame him and delay him from being potty trained.
There are certain times in the day when the chances of your child pooping are higher. These may be right after he wakes up in the morning, or after he has had his meals – take him to the toilet repeatedly during these times and slowly his mind will get attuned to this consistent routine for using the potty. An established routine is amongst the best potty training tips for toddlers.
If you’re wondering potty training when to start, remember that you need to prepare your child first. Just like you’d prepare your toddler for anything new – like beginning school or independent sleeping, you also need to prepare your child for potty training through stories and examples. You can read baby books about using the toilet or you can point out other family members to your child when they use the bathroom. This will familiarize and normalize the concept of potty training to your child.
On some days, you’ll find your child is pooping on the seat while he may forget to do so on other days. Appreciate him when he poops successfully on the seat with stickers, high-fives, a trip to the park – or appreciate him in front of other family members so that he is naturally encouraged to poop on the seat every time.
Use pants with elastic waist bands that your child can easily pull down on his own, while you are potty training him, so that he can independently do so and feel good about himself.
Sometimes, despite prolonged training children may struggle with being potty trained. Try to get to the root cause of your child’s struggle – is the toilet environment unfamiliar to him? Is the potty seat big and uncomfortable – maybe you need a training seat.
Usually when the child is around 1.5 years old and is able to follow through simple one line instructions and has developed motor skills, you can begin potty training. However, it depends on every child and his ability to learn.
There is no one way, or fast way to potty train children, because every child is different and what works for one may not work for the other. Caregivers need to be consistent and patient and eventually children learn to poop in the toilet.
The best potty training method is to consistently and regularly take your child to the toilet and encourage him to poop on the seat. As soon as the child will get familiar with the toilet seat, he will learn to control his bowel movements accordingly.
Every child is different and each one will have a unique potty training journey. Gender does not play a role in who is easier to potty train.
Be patient and consistent. Try to understand your child – if he is afraid of the potty seat, unfamiliar with the toilet surroundings or simply uncomfortable with the new process you are teaching. Get to the cause of his fears and work on that, before training him again.